
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Peter G.

Last weekend I got to hang out with a my good friend Peter who was in OC for the weekend. Peter graduated from UCI a few years ago and is living in San Diego now where he grew up. He has been a great friend and had a big impact on my life. He is one of the funniest people I know, has a great outlook on life, and I don't think I have met anyone who does not enjoy being around him.

Peter has responded to God's call and decided to become a full time missionary, working on staff full-time for Athletes in Action (a branch of Campus Crusade for Christ). I am very enthusiastic about this ministry because it has been a key part of my life and spiritual growth in the last 4 years. It is exciting to think that Peter will have the opportunity to impact students like me in years to come.

Athletes in Action staff are reliant on monthly financial support for their income and Peter is in the process of gaining supporters before he can start his work. If you are interested in learning more about Peter, his goals, and possibly supporting him, please check his CCC profile HERE.

Have a great day!

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